Jerry Wills
Schedule Your Private Session
Jerry requests a donation of $360 for a remote healing session and $450 cash for an in-person session.
If you have paid and have not heard from Kathy for scheduling, CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOILDER!
Payment Options
We use Stripe to process credit/debit cards for remote healing sessions.
Once we have received your donation you will be contacted regarding the time and date Jerry is available. This is usually within 7 days unless we are traveling. We will work with your schedule as best we can. You may also donate by personal check. Your session will be scheduled once the funds have cleared the bank. Contact us for the address.
A Gift of Healing
You may also use the Stripe link below to donate to a healing session. They do not need to know you have done this. That is your decision. Please send us a separate message to provide instructions about who the gift is for and if this is to be anonymous. We will contact YOU for any additional information.
Disclaimer: Please read this carefully. By submitting funds you agree to each point made below.
- Jerry Wills is not a professional or licensed healthcare practitioner and makes no claims in this regard.
- Jerry does not heal or cure. Only God can heal or cure.
- Although many who Jerry works with receive miraculous reversals to their diminished conditions, we do not guarantee any results or outcomes, but leave that to God’s Will.
- If you are under a physician’s care or taking medication, you should consult your physicians before changing or discontinuing any medication or current medical treatment. Adjustments of prescribed medications should only be made under the direct supervision of a qualified licensed physician. Implementing new items or supplements may alter your medication needs.
- Any suggestions made during your session with Jerry should be considered opinions only, not directives.
- Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- You understand Jerry Wills is only acting in the capacity of a minister or spiritual advisor. No medical training, nor affiliation with any medical practice, is inferred or implied.
- Jerry Wills is not a doctor and does not diagnose, cure, or treat. The information you receive is offered only within the realm of a spiritual advisor and from his personal experiences.
- You should consult a qualified physician regarding any medical condition for advice pertaining to your health.
- The results of your healing session are entirely in God’s hands.
- Funds provided are considered a donation and are only for Jerry’s time spent with you in person or on the phone (remotely).
- You have up to six months from the time your donation is received to make your appointment. After this, we cannot refund your session. Otherwise, there are no refunds.
- By clicking the icon “Buy Now” (below) you are assuring your acknowledgment of, and agree to, all that is written here, and that you completely understand without question each point made.
- Your donation through Stripe assures you have read, understand, and agree with this disclaimer and terms.
Please click the link below to use Stripe after you have read and agreed to the information above. By continuing, you assure us you have read and agree to the information.
Mailed donations [payable to Jerry Wills] must be accompanied by a written statement affirming you have read and agree with everything written on this page. Contact us for the address.
Look for card transactions payable to “Jerry Wills”
After You Submit Session Fee…
Depending on the current number of requests, you will be contacted within a few days by Kathy with details of what days and times are currently available. There will be several options.
Do not choose only one option
Many people are also requesting a healing session. You are not the only one who was sent these dates and times.
Important: Reply to her email with multiple date and time options
Keep in mind, those times were available at the time the email was sent. If you wait several days to respond, you will be advised of the next date/times available.
Remote (phone) sessions are now scheduled as soon as possible, depending on those who booked their session first. In some instances, it might only be a few days. In other instances, it might be a week or more. This is impossible to predict.
– In-person sessions are not available at this time –
Contact us [on our contact page] if you have any questions or comments. Please be brief… Long messages are seldom read. We will certainly try to provide you with an answer, but it will take time.